I'm Roy Hayes, a novelist and a retired ad agency guy. I've created award-winning billboards as well as magazine ads, posters, commercials.
But at the very center of my heart I've always been a novelist, and my favorite genre is the sophisticated thriller.
The nouvelle vague film director Claude Chabrol said it best:
"I like using the thriller genre ... to distract people, to interest them, perhaps to make them think ... perhaps to make them a little less naïve."
I was born a very long time ago, probably too long ago, and there's some chance I've done more things than most other people you can name.
I'm a member of The Authors Guild and an original member of International Thriller Writers.
My advertisements - from billboards to TV commercials - have pulled in millions of dollars for clients. And my op-ed pieces, photos, and wilderness and offbeat adventure-travel articles have appeared in major metro dailies around the country. Maybe you read one in the ...
Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Denver Post, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Kansas City Star, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Los Angeles Daily News, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, Orange County Register, Philadelphia Inquirer, Providence Journal-Bulletin, Sacramento Union, Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, Salt Lake Tribune, San Diego Union, San Francisco Examiner, San Jose Mercury-News, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Out of the blue, Readers Digest contacted me to contribute a chapter to their coffee-table book, Our National Parks. I wrote the chapter about Sequoia-Kings Canyon.
For other news about my disreputable past, click on "an interesting life." Among other things you'll see why I was cashiered from the Cub Scouts at age nine (punching out the Den Mother's rotten son), how I rescued Rudolf Friml's widow, and why I refused to rescue King Umberto from Sonny Tufts.
I don't shy away from voicing my opinions about writing, and I imagine a lot of people will disagree with me - particularly the academic sorts at one end and the hairy-chested macho-heroics writers at the other. For more on this, click on "three rules for writing a novel."
Overall, I suppose you could say I'm not a poster boy for the status quo. I've travelled Frost's road to the beat of Thoreau's drummer.* Other than admitting I'm a compulsive reader and a compulsive writer, I don't know what else I can add.
* Errrmmmm ... in case you've forgotten ...
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away." |